Office hours: Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
The HR Team is available to assist you via phone, MS Teams, and email.
Walk-in hours are Monday – Friday 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
UT Dallas supports remote work as an option for employees where job duties, performance, service level expectations, and departmental and business operations can be achieved or enhanced. A remote work option at UTD is defined as working fully remote off campus or in a hybrid capacity where job duties are performed on or off campus for one (1) or more days per week. Though remote work options may not be feasible for all positions or situations at UTD, remote work can be viewed as a competitive edge in our current labor market and highly attractive to some job applicants. A remote work option, if feasible, may increase the candidate pool when seeking qualified individuals to fill vacant positions.
Unit leadership is responsible for approving which positions and situations are eligible to work remotely and defining expectations or remote work performance. Supervisors should engage with employees who desire remote work options and discuss if a workable solution that meets the business needs of the unit can be achieved.
Please review the following information and process for advertising and providing remote work options to newly hired employees. For more information about remote work and remote work agreements, please visit the HR website at: Remote Work.
Approval Process for Adding Remote Work Options to Job Postings
In-State (Texas) Remote Work
- Remote work is approved at the discretion of the unit/school/division executive leadership, or their designee, in accordance with unit specific criteria and protocols, and those defined by UTD.
- When adding in-state remote work options to a job posting, the search coordinator and hiring manager should discuss options with their unit leadership to ensure remote work is an allowable option prior to submitting the posting request.
- If remote work is available, the Search Coordinator must include the required remote work language in the job posting. See required and optional remote work language below.
- All remote work options will require an approved remote work agreement (RWA) once the individual is hired.
The remote work agreement (RWA) must be initiated by the new employee via Galaxy within 14-days of the employment start date.
Out-of-State Remote Work
- Approval prior to posting is not required unless unit level procedures indicate. The employment specialist in HR will consult with hiring managers to see if remote work, including out of state, is an option and if so, it will be noted in the job posting to inform applicants.
- Vice Presidents (VPs), Deans, or their designees can approve out of state remote work for any state not on the restricted or limited list. Approval would be granted and noted as part of the hiring proposal process. VPs, Deans, or their designees should be clear as to what they will/will not approve within their school/division/unit and must own decisions.
- Approval from Provost (academic units) or VPCOS (administrative units) is required for employees who will work in a restricted or limited state, for more than 4 weeks total once hired at UTD. These should be very limited, and mission critical position criteria still applies, even for short-term remote work out of Texas.
- The RWA must be initiated by the new employee via Galaxy within 14-days of the employment start date.
Remote work is RESTRICTED or NOT PERMITTED in the following states:
- Due to state or local employment laws, there are certain states in which remote work for any employee is prohibited. This list is subject to change as employment laws warrant and may impact the ability for an employee to continue working remotely even if previously approved. Currently, the following are listed as restricted states and subject to change as employment laws warrant:
- California, Colorado, Connecticut, District of Columbia*, Illinois, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Washington, and Pennsylvania*.
- *Non-exempt staff are not permitted to work remotely for any length of time in Pennsylvania due to state employment laws.
- *Employees assigned to Archer Center with an office location in the Washington, DC area are exempt from this restriction.
- Prior approval from Provost (academic units) or Vice President/Chief of Staff (administrative units) is required before a job offer can be extended, if out of state work will be more than 4 weeks total.
- California, Colorado, Connecticut, District of Columbia*, Illinois, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Washington, and Pennsylvania*.
Remote work is to be limited and only approved for missions critical/hard-to-fill positions in the following states:
- Due to state or local employment laws, the following states may be approved for remote work arrangements, but approval must be limited only for mission critical or hard to fill positions. This list is subject to change as employment laws warrant and may impact the ability for an employee to continue working remotely even if previously approved. Currently, the following are listed as limited states:
- Delaware, Hawaii, Maryland, Michigan, Montana, New Jersey, Pennsylvania*, and Vermont.
- *Non-exempt are not permitted to work remotely for any length of time in Pennsylvania due to state employment laws.
- Prior approval from Provost (academic units) or Vice President/ Chief of Staff (administrative units) is required before a job offer can be extended and/or before a current employee relocates, even if only for a short term.
- Delaware, Hawaii, Maryland, Michigan, Montana, New Jersey, Pennsylvania*, and Vermont.
The following applies to any employee who works remote from another state, and is not just the restricted or limited states:
- Approval by the Vice President/Chief of Staff (administrative units) or Provost (academic units) for an employee or new hire to work remotely in a restricted or limited state must be provided to HR in writing and attached to the hiring proposal.
- Out of state remote work approvals for restricted or limited states must be received by the Employment and Compensation Specialist in HR BEFORE a job offer may be extended.
- Out of state remote work approvals for restricted or limited states must be received by the Employment and Compensation Specialist in HR BEFORE a job offer may be extended.
- A monthly fee of $500 per month ($6,000.00 annually) will be charged to the employee’s home department to cover the cost of UTD’s additional administrative responsibilities in managing out of state employment obligations with remote workers. This fee applies to any out of state remote work lasting more than 4 weeks.
- Requires an approved remote work agreement (RWA) once the individual is hired.
- RWA must be initiated within 14-days of the employment start date.
International Remote Work:
- Remote work options for locations outside of the United States are not permitted.
Remote Work Option Suggested Phrasing for Job Postings
If your unit/school/division leadership determines a vacant position is eligible for a remote work option, please be sure to include applicable language or phrasing in the job posting to address any specific requirements and/or limitations or the remote work.
REQUIRED Job Posting Phrasing (when a remote work option is noted in the job posting):
- A remote option may be available with an approved UT Dallas Remote Work Agreement (RWA).
- A RWA must be initiated by the new employee within 14-days of the employment start date. This applies to even short-term arrangements.
Additional/Optional Phrasing depending on the position and unit:
- Remote work arrangements are subject to regular review and re-approval and may be canceled at any time.
- Employee must be located within the DFW area and have the ability to be on campus for work activities as scheduled and/or with 24-hour notice.
- A remote work option may be considered upon completion of training and 6-month probationary period.