2022 Annual Enrollment Announcement
July 12, 2022
Annual benefits Fair Enrollment July 15-31.
All Benefits-Eligible Faculty and Staff:

Annual Benefits Enrollment for benefits-eligible employees will open Friday, July 15, and continue through Sunday, July 31. During this period, you may enroll in or change your plan year 2022-2023 insurance benefit elections, sign up for or re-enroll in UT FLEX, and add or remove dependents from your coverage plan. This is a great opportunity to learn what is new and make changes that meet your needs. It is also important to review your life and AD&D insurance beneficiary designation. You may add or make changes, as applicable, through My UT Benefits.
By July 15, employees will receive an email invitation to enroll from the UT System Office of Employee Benefits (OEB) and UT Dallas Office of Human Resources. To review your current benefits and enroll for 2022-2023, log in to My UT Benefits using your UT Dallas Net ID and password. To get the best experience during your enrollment, see the supported browser information. Internet Explorer 11 and Edge Legacy are no longer supported. For technical assistance with log in or website navigation, please call My UT Benefits Support at 844-870-0044 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Central. You may enroll between July 15 and before midnight of July 31.
Virtual Benefits and Wellness Fair
UT Dallas will host a Virtual Benefits and Wellness Fair from July 18-31. This year’s theme is Grow Your Benefits — featuring educational opportunities, games, fun activities and 24/7 access to benefits and wellness information. You can find benefits information and stroll through the Benefits Fair Garden (PDF) and harvest the benefits that best fit you and/or your family. You may also access the events from the fair flyer (PDF). We encourage you to visit at least 20 online booths to complete your master garden and register to win prizes. You also may grab benefits information PDFs and fill up your online Benefits Bag then download and save or email your bag contents to you.
To access the benefits information via phone, download the UT Dallas Benefits Fair App via Google Play and Apple App stores during the annual enrollment period and receive a prize. To redeem your prize, visit the HR-Benefits Office (AD 3.418) and show us the downloaded Benefits Fair App on your cellphone between noon to 2 p.m., Wednesdays and Thursdays from Aug. 3-31.
Be sure to register for the 10-minute chair massage and cardiovascular screenings for July 18-19. See the agenda flyer (e) for details.
Highlights of Benefits Changes for Plan Year 2022-2023
- The UT SELECT/UT CONNECT Medical Plan rates will increase 7.5%. See the premium rates for all plans (PDF). Please keep in mind that there were no medical rate increases for several years. The previous two years’ required increases were not passed along to employees due to multiple factors impacted by the pandemic. The high cost of COVID-19 treatments and health care in general, lack of preventive measures during the pandemic, increase in utilization, and inflation are some of the many reasons for a rate increase.
- Medical and prescription plan design changes are as follows:
- Specialist physician office visit copay will change from $35 to $50; UT Tier from $20 to $40.
- Urgent care copay will change for UT SELECT from $35 to $50 and UT CONNECT will change from $35 to $50 (non-Texas Health Resources) and from $25 to $40 (Texas Health Resources).
- Individual deductible for UT SELECT will change to $600 (in-network), $1,800 (out-of-network) and $600 (out-of-area) and UT CONNECT will change to $500.
- Family deductible for UT SELECT will change to $1,800 (in-network), $5,400 (out-of-network) and $1,800 (out-of-area) and UT CONNECT will change to $1,800.
- Coinsurance maximum per person per plan year will change from $2,150 to $3,500.
- In-network maximum out-of-pocket (includes medical and prescription expenses) for both plans will change to $8,700 per individual and $17,400 per family; out-of-network has no maximum.
- Emergency room copay will change from $150 (non-inclusive) to $500 all inclusive (ER room and physician fees).
- Outpatient copay for UT SELECT will change from $100 to $200 per day and UT CONNECT from $50 to $150 per day.
- High-cost imaging copay will change from $100 to $200, and the waiver program is discontinued.
- Prescription deductible will change from $100 to $200.
- Prescription copayment for non-formulary will change from $50 to $60 retail and mail order from $125 to $150.
- New fertility benefits through Progyny for up to two cycles is added to the UT SELECT Medical Plan.
- Life and AD&D Insurance Changes
- Basic Life insurance coverage will increase from $40,000 to $50,000.
- Retiree Basic Life insurance coverage will increase from $6,000 to $10,000.
- No Evidence of Insurability (EOI) during annual enrollment for up to three times salary for voluntary life insurance coverage.
- Decrease in premiums for voluntary life and AD&D coverage. See the premium rates for all plans (PDF).
- UT Flex Health Care Reimbursement Account will increase from $2,750 to $2,850.
- New Living Well Portal powered by Limeade; we encourage everyone to enroll.
- New Retiree Health Plan — UT CARE Medicare PPO — effective Jan. 1, 2023. More details will be sent to retirees by UT System Office of Employee Benefits.
- TRS Employer Rate will increase from 7.75% to 8%. TRS Employee Rate remains at 8%.
- There are no changes to disability, dental and vision plans
Important Reminders:
- If you do not select either the UT SELECT or UT CONNECT Medical Plan due to coverage under another employer group health insurance program (i.e., spouse group employer medical coverage), you may be eligible to receive the medical premium sharing of $337.58 per month for full-time employees (30 or more hours) or $168.79 per month for part-time employees (20 to 29 hours). This may allow you to cover the cost of dental, vision and AD&D coverage. If you are not enrolling in any of the medical plans for this reason, decline the Medical Plans, choose the “Premium Share Credit Plan” option under the medical section, and make sure you select dental, vision and AD&D. After you saved your elections, you must upload a proof of other insurance coverage on the Document Center no later than the end of the enrollment period. Use the document name “Premium Sharing Credit Document” and category of “Proof of Other Coverage.” Your coverage will be pending until your document is reviewed and approved.
- If you do not wish to change your coverage, your current insurance elections, except UT Flex, will continue to the next plan year. If you want to enroll in or continue participation in UT FLEX, you must make an election online through My UT Benefits. We encourage eligible employees to take advantage of the tax-saving features available through UT Flex. View the flexible spending accounts resources for more information.
- Faculty members who are paid over a nine-month period will pay insurance premiums, including UT FLEX, over those nine months.
- Submit your evidence of insurability (EOI) form for disability plan, if applicable, by the deadline date. Note: There is no EOI required for the voluntary life insurance plan during the annual enrollment period. Don’t miss this rare opportunity to protect yourself and your family.
- New ID cards will be issued this year. To ensure arrival of ID cards and any insurance vendor communications, review your address on Galaxy to make sure it is accurate. If not, please make the appropriate changes immediately. Please note that Out-of-Area Benefits will apply if your residence of record is outside of Texas, New Mexico or Washington, D.C.
- The effective date for coverage elected and approved during Annual Enrollment is Sept. 1. Coverage requiring EOI will take effect based on vendor’s approval.
- In October, review your first paycheck of the new fiscal year to ensure that your coverage elections have been processed correctly. Email benefits@utdallas.edu to notify the HR-Benefits Team by Oct. 31. Errors will be reviewed and may require UT System OEB review and determination and are subject to the UT System OEB Administrative Guidelines 310.7.
New Hires, Newly Benefits-Eligible Employees and Employees with Life Event Changes between July 1, 2022, and Aug. 31, 2022:
Employees with Life Event Changes between July 1 and Aug. 31
If you experience a life event change (i.e. marriage, divorce, birth of a child, etc.) in July, you can make changes to your benefits within 31 days from the event date. Log in through My UT Benefits then click on Life Event under Manage Account on the righthand side menu. Then follow the instructions. If your life event date occurs in August, you will need to email benefits@utdallas.edu and request an enrollment form to complete within the 31 days of the event date.
Employees Who Are Hired or Become Benefits-Eligible between July 1, 2022, and Aug. 31, 2022
New hires and newly benefits-eligible employees have 31 days to enroll from their start date or benefits-eligible date. Employees who are hired or become benefits-eligible between July 1, 2022, and Aug. 31, 2022 may have to complete dual enrollment (2021-2022 and 2022-2023). The choices you make for your initial new hire or newly eligible benefits for the plan year 2021-2022 may also impact your 2022-2023 benefits. You must first enroll in your 2021-2022 new hire benefit election and then enroll for your 2022-2023 benefits. Online enrollment in UT FLEX flexible spending plans is disabled during the months of July and August. If you wish to enroll in UT FLEX for the current plan year ending Aug. 31, please email benefits@utdallas.edu.
If you need assistance enrolling in your benefits, please email benefits@utdallas.edu, or contact a Benefits Specialist directly via Teams. For more information about your benefits for plan year 2022-2023, visit the Annual Enrollment Section of the UT System OEB website.