Happy 2022 and January EAP Newsletter

January 3, 2022

Kick-start the New Year with work/life services from DeerOaks EAP. Whether an individual needs grief counseling or an elder care assessment, DeerOaks can provide members with seamless, holistic support to achieve efficient and thorough resolution of their issues. Their diverse programs promote and help employees and their family/household members to achieve a balance of emotional, social, environmental, and cultural well-being, which in turn positively impacts workplace productivity, performance and engagement.

In this month’s EAP Newsletter, the following topics are discussed:

  • Online Seminar: Reframing Your Way Through 2022. Available on-demand starting January 18th.
  • Change Your Life with SMART Goals!
  • Get Back to the Basics to Find Balance in Life
  • Healthy Living: Commit to Get Fit
  • This is Your year to Quit Smoking

Visit Deer Oaks EAP and enter utdallas for the Username and Password to access the online seminar.

Download attached newsletter for additional information, tips and resources from Deer Oaks EAP.